Verbal Linguistic
Close Reading Strategies
Taken from: Strategies for Close Reading
- Be a Close Reader Yourself
- Teach “Stretch Texts”
- These are texts that you wouldn’t expect students to read independently, such as a critical essay or short piece of philosophy.
- Teach Students to Look for the Evidence
- Always Set a Purpose for Reading
- Differentiate Your Instruction
. - Focus on Making Connections
- Model it First
- Let Students Make Mistakes
- Incorporate Close Read Across the Curriculum
- Use Student Questions to Drive Discussion
- Listen to Your Students
Annotating texts
Amadeus Annotation Assignment Annotation Rubric
Thinking Notes: This is a simple procedure to help students become more involved in their reading and to give them a way of recording their thoughts about the text. The strategy consists of a notation system that records students' reactions to what they read. Since Marking in a book is an issue sometimes, strips of paper or sticky notes can be labeled with marking systems and placed on the page.
Some Common Thinking Notes students might use:
- Yes - agree
- X - disagree
- +- new information
- ! - WOW
- ? I wonder
- ?? Don't understand
- * Important
Silent Sustained Reading and Reading Aloud
Building Student Literacy Through Silent Sustained Reading
Poetry/Speech recitation and reading assigned parts in plays
- Expository - Process
- "Explain how the Sorting Hat selects new students for the four houses of Hogwarts."
- Expository - Compare and Contrast
- "Compare and Contrast Harry with Dudley or Ron Weasley."
- Persuasive
- "Write a note convincing the Dursleys to let Harry have his own room."
- Descriptive
- "How does the author of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone use imagery to create a sense of mystery in her description of Hogwarts."
- Narrative
- "Write a new chapter in which Harry and his friends have further adventures. Try to imitate the author's characteristic style, including her word choice and sentence structure."
- Narrative - Personal
- "Write a diary entry in which you take on Hermione's persona. From her point of view, describe the first few days she spent at Hogwarts."
a Brochure
Methods: fishbowl discussions, timed
discussions, reading conferences
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